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Antaris Project

  • Apfelallee, Germany Apfelallee Gollenberg, BB, 14728 Germany (map)

What the oldest psy festival in Germany has to say…

For 4 million years, people have come together to draw strength through dance and community. Nothing energizes us more than rhythmically becoming one with a group in the great outdoors. Tribal rituals, shamanic dances, collective trance states and celebrating together have always ensured a togetherness that still today - and more than ever - fulfills our deepest needs.

On the Antaris, you allow this energy to flow through you, and it gets stronger the more you share it. You feel detached and yet safe under the wide dome of the sky. Antaris is a bliss, a community experience, a spiritual experience, a cosmic merging.

5 July


14 July

ZNA Gathering